P1023 Understanding Web (the One From Spiders) Evolution: Spider Silk Genomics

Francisco Prosdocimi , Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil
Daniela Matias de Carvalho Bittencourt , Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental, Manaus, Brazil
Matias Kirst , University of Florida - SFRC, Gainesville, FL
Paulo C Motta , Universidade de Brasília, Inst. Ciências Biológicas, Dpto. de Zoologia, Brasilia
Elibio Rech , EMBRAPA, Brazil
Felipe Rodrigues da Silva , Embrapa Informatica Agropecuaria, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Spiders possess distinctive evolutionary adaptations, such as venom and silk production, providing an ample system for evolutionary and developmental studies of anatomical adaptation. Here we compare transcripts from 2 suborders of the Araneae order: Araneomorphae and Mygalomorphae. We've constructed EST libraries from the spinning gland of the Araneomorphae Gasteracantha cancriformis (52,399 454 GS-FLX Titanium reads) and the Mygalomorphae Actinopus spp. (454 GS-FLX Titanium 34,496 reads) and analyzed those together with the 22,812  Sanger ESTs from Parasteatoda tepidariorum, 3,201 Sanger ESTs from 2 Loxosceles species  (Araneomorphae spiders), 6,790 Sanger ESTs from Acanthoscurria gomesiana and 2,697 Sanger ESTs from Aphonopelma sp. (Mygalomorphae spiders) currently available at GenBank.