P0923 Study on the Biochemical and Physiological Properties for Salt Tolerance in Wild Tomato Species Solanum chilense

Marsha Palmer , Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN
Suping Zhou , Tennessee State University, Nashville , TN
Sarabjit Bhatti , Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN
Soil salinity continues to be an increasing problem to agriculture, as it is one of the most prominent and challenging abiotic stress factors that limits plant’s growth and productivity worldwide. Therefore, having an understanding of the mechanisms by which plants respond to this stress is important. The objective of study was to analyze the effects of NaCl stress on activities of several enzymes participating in antioxidant and photorespiration functions.  Plants of wild tomato (Solanum chilense) accession LA 2474 were grown in a hydroponic system, and leaf tissues were harvested after  different periods of salt treatments (200mM NaCl). Activities of enzymes including carbonic anhydrase, glutathione reductase (GR), and hydroxyperuvate reductase (HPR), glycolate oxidase were measured to determine the dynamic changes in these enzymes as plants developing salt tolerance. Changes in enzyme activity were associated with alteration in protein abundance level to postulate roles of these proteins in salt tolerance.