James Kijas

CSIRO Livestock Industries
Queensland Australia 4067
P0577 Development of a SNP Panel For Parentage Assignment in Sheep
P0578 The Use of a 50K SNP Array for Identifying Genomic Regions Associated with a Range of Traits in Rambouillet Sheep
P0586 A region on ovine chromosome 2 is associated with brachygnathia, cardiomegaly and renal hypoplasia syndrome (BCRHS) in Merino sheep
P0588 Genome-Wide Association and Meta-Analysis in an Outbred Sheep Population: Identifying Genetic Loci Influencing Parasite Resistance
P0591 Mapping the dark eye patching gene in Churra and Ojalada Spanish sheep breeds
P0678 Big Steps Towards Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) Genomic Resources
W157 Whole Genome Sequencing for Variant Detection, Disease Gene Identification and an HD SNP Chip for Sheep