Ruvini T. Ariyadasa

Leibniz- Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK)
Gatersleben Germany D-06466
P0096 Positional Cloning of the Barley Tillering Gene uniculme4
P0189 SNP Mining in the Genome of Barley
P0342 The barley physical map – impact of different BAC libraries made of partially digested or randomly sheared genomic DNA
P0343 Providing the link between physical and cytogenetic map of barley - a case study on chromosome 2H
W433 The barley physical map – impact of different BAC libraries made of partially digested or randomly sheared genomic DNA
W601 Analysis of the earliness per se 3Am Locus (Eps-3Am) in an Einkorn Wheat Mutant (Triticum monococcum L.) Revealed a Link to the Circadian Clock