Timothy J. Close

University of California - Riverside
USA 92521-0124
Email: timothy.close@ucr.edu

P0096 Positional Cloning of the Barley Tillering Gene uniculme4
P0114 Sequences of 14,600 Gene-Bearing Minimal Tiling Path BACs of Morex Barley
P0464 Genomics and Modern Breeding of Cowpea
W073 Sequences of 14,600 Gene-Bearing Minimal Tiling Path BACs of Morex Barley
W272 Modern Cowpea Breeding to Overcome Critical Production Constraints in Africa
W344 Cowpea Genome Resources Developed in Support of Breeding
W433 The barley physical map – impact of different BAC libraries made of partially digested or randomly sheared genomic DNA