David Neale

University of California, Davis
Davis, CA
USA 95616
C19 Bioinformatic Solutions in Forest Genomics: Overview of the Resources from the TreeGenes Database
P0060 PineRefSeq: Genome sequences for loblolly pine, Douglas-fir, and sugar pine
P0513 Genome Wide Analysis of Genetic Associations with Environmental Variables in East Texas Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda L.)
P0517 Transcriptome Analysis and Gene Network of the Beech Bark Disease in the American Beech
P0963 Bioinformatic Solutions in Forest Genomics: Overview of the Resources from the TreeGenes Database
P0964 Computational Solutions in Forest Tree Biology: Connecting Genomic, Ecological, and Physiological Repositories through Web Services and Ontologies
W286 Conifer Translational Genomics Network: Bringing Genomics Based Breeding To Application