Yeisoo Yu

University of Arizona - Arizona Genomics
Tucson, AZ
USA 85721
P0019 The Oryza BAC resource for exploring genome evolution
P0033 A Whole Genome Reference Sequence of Amborella
P0034 The Amborella Genome Sequencing Project: Generating An Evolutionary Reference Sequence for Flowering Plants
P0236 Using Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) in the Evolutionary Reference Plant Amborella to Verify Genome Sequence Assembly and Generate a Karyotype
P0255 Sequencing and Comparative Analysis of Tiled BACs from Different Rice Strains using the GS FLX+ System
P0951 Gramene: A Resource for Phylogenomics Study of the Oryza Genus
P0994 Genome Puzzle Master (GPM) - an Integrated Platform for Assembling
W555 Genomic Analysis of the Evolutionary History of Floral Genes