Loren Rieseberg

University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC
Canada V6R 2A5
Genomics of Plant Speciation
P0072 Genome-wide patterns of divergence between sunflower ecotypes
P0205 High Density Genetic Mapping of Sunflower
P0207 Association genetics in cultivated sunflower
P0689 Markers Development and Linkage Analysis in Cynara cardunculus L
P0700 A Sequence-Based Physical Map of the Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Genome
P0701 Ultra-high Density Genetic Map of Sunflower
P0743 Quantitative Genetic Analysis of Wood Chemistry and Biomass Traits in Sunflower
W189 The sunflower genome and its evolution
W190 Genomic resourses in Cynara cardunculus
W192 The evolution of invasiveness in common ragweed