W520 PIR Tools for Studying Proteins, Complexes and PTMs

Date: Sunday, January 15, 2012
Time: 9:00 AM
Room: Pacific Salon 6-7 (2nd Floor)
Cecilia Arighi , University of Delaware, Newark, DE
For four decades the PIR has provided databases and protein sequence analysis tools to the scientific community including the Protein Sequence Database (PIR-PSD), which grew from the Atlas of Protein Sequence and Structure, edited by Margaret Dayhoff [1965-1978]. PIR’s major activities include i) UniProt - Universal Protein Resource development ii) iProClass - protein data integration, iii) Protein Ontology - hierarchy for protein and protein complex types, and iv) iProLINK - source for text mining. PIR (http://www.proteininformationresource.org) provides a comprehensive resource for the bioinformatics analysis of protein sequences and families. In this workshop we will demonstrate how to utilize PIR resources to maximize the information about a given sequence through case studies. Topics will include: (1) introduction to the databases, (2) ontology for the representation and annotation of protein and protein complexes, (3) ID mapping and batch retrieval, (4) iProXpress for data mining and integration, and (5) iProLINK a hub for text mining resources.