P0202 High-Density SNP Mapping on Peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) Populations

Pedro Jose Martinez Garcia , UC Davis, DAVIS, CA
Dan Parfitt , University of Californi, Davis, Davis, CA
Eben A. Ogundiwin , University of California, Davis, CA
Joseph Fass , University of California, Davis, CA
Helen M. Chan , University of California, Davis, CA
Thomas Gradziel , University of California, Davis, CA
Carlos H. Crisosto , University of California, Davis, CA
Illumina Golden Gate assays were used to develop an oligonucleotide pool assay (OPA) containing 1,536 SNPs, to genotype two mapping populations, Pop-DF and Pop-DG. Pop-DG was composed of 55 F1 seedlings from crosses between ‘Dr. Davis’ × ‘George Belle’ and Pop-DF of 117 F1 seedlings was derived from crosses between ‘Dr. Davis’בF8,1-42’, a peach introgression line derived from an initial almond × peach interspecific hybrid. After genotyping, a final set of 1,400 high quality SNPs in Pop-DF and 962 in Pop-DG with full map coverage were selected and used to construct two linkage maps with JoinMap®4.0. The Pop-DF map covered 477 cM of the peach genome and included 1,043 SNP markers, and Pop-DG map covered 369 cM and included 738 SNPs. A consensus map was constructed with 560 SNP markers, with map coverage of 457 cM and an average distance of 0.85cM. Placement of SNPs on the draft ‘Lovell’ v1.0 physical map were compared to placement on the linkage maps and several differences were observed. The SNP linkage maps will be used for QTLs analysis for fruit quality characters in peach, being directly applicable in marker-assisted breeding (MAB).