Elaine Baccino(Agilent Technologies )
Date: Monday, January 16, 2012
Time: 6:10 PM-8:20 PM
Time: 6:10 PM-8:20 PM
Room: Pacific Salon 4-5 (2nd Floor)
6:10 PM
"High-throughput Targeted Resequencing of Plant Complex Genomes using Sequence Capture", Leandro Gomide Neves Forest Genomics Lab, University of Florida, Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Program
6:40 PM
"Exome Resequencing in Non-Human Primates", Eric Vallender, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University
7:10 PM
"Using SureSelect Sequence Capture Assay for Targeted Exon Re-sequencing in Polyploid Wheat", Eduard Akhunov, Kansas State University
7:40 PM
"Development and Testing of Bovine Exome Capture for SNP Discovery and Assessment of Breed Diversity", Steven G. Schroeder, USDA, ARS, Bovine Functional Genomics Laboratory
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