Rod A. Wing

University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ
USA 85721
P0019 The Oryza BAC resource for exploring genome evolution
P0033 A Whole Genome Reference Sequence of Amborella
P0034 The Amborella Genome Sequencing Project: Generating An Evolutionary Reference Sequence for Flowering Plants
P0236 Using Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) in the Evolutionary Reference Plant Amborella to Verify Genome Sequence Assembly and Generate a Karyotype
P0255 Sequencing and Comparative Analysis of Tiled BACs from Different Rice Strains using the GS FLX+ System
P0951 Gramene: A Resource for Phylogenomics Study of the Oryza Genus
P0994 Genome Puzzle Master (GPM) - an Integrated Platform for Assembling
W099 Comparative and Population Genomics in the Brassicaceae
W487 Leveraging on the Elaeis Genome and Transcriptome for Enhancing Agronomic Traits
W555 Genomic Analysis of the Evolutionary History of Floral Genes
W613 The International Oryza Map Alignment Project: Sequencing the collective Oryza genome to help solve the 9-billion people question